Here are the answers to some of your questions about our printables:

Why do you require my email address for free printables?

In exchange for the free printable(s), all we ask is for you to sign up for our newsletter. This will allow you to be the first to know when new plans/printables are added to the site. And you’ll get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox!

You may unsubscribe at any time, but if you download any new printables after unsubscribing, you’ll be put back on the list.

What if I don’t want to enter my email address for a free printable?

I am sorry you don’t want to join our newsletter. You are more than welcome to follow the photo or video tutorials inside the blog post for that project. The free printables are for email subscribers only.

I want multiple printables/plans. Will I be added multiple times to your newsletter?

You will only be signed up for the TwoFeetFirst email list once, no matter how many printables you download, unless you use a different email address. So feel free to download and print as many of the free printables TwoFeetFirst has to offer.

What’s the difference between a free and a premium plan?

Creating printables/plans takes time and effort. I will always try to provide a free plan if a premium plan is being offered. The free plan has 3D diagrams, with dimensions, from various angles of the full build to allow you to figure out how to assemble the build yourself. The paid premium plan walks you through every step of the build, with detailed diagrams and clearly written instructions. The premium plans only cost a few dollars.

Will I be added to your newsletter when purchasing a printable?

Yes, you will also be added to TwoFeetFirst’s newsletter when you purchase a printable, plan, or workbook. Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe at any time. And you are only signed up for the email list once unless you use a different email address.

Can I use the printable to sell products?

The printable/plans (free and premium) are for personal use only. The resulting product or plans are not to be sold commercially without TwoFeetFirst’s consent. All the free woodworking plans and printables are copyright protected by TwoFeetFirst, LLC, and may not be duplicated or sold.

What should I do if I need additional help to finish my build?

If you are using the free printable, I would recommend you purchase the Premium plan, if it is available, to help you with the process. 

If your question is not answered above, please feel free to email me at with your question.