Sorry that I am sharing our costumes the week of Halloween but sometimes that’s how it goes. This year we had to talk our daughter unto something other than Elsa from Frozen because let’s be honest almost every little girl is most likely going to be her. After looking at a bunch of different options we decided on Tinkerbell from Secret of Wings, the winter one. This way she would be warm for a cold Halloween night. And here she is:
Do you want to make your own? Let me show you the process I took. First I found a t-shirt pattern (found mine at Made, here) I printed the pattern at 120% to make it fit my 6-year-old. But then there was some tweaking to make it into a robe and to look like Tinkerbell. But to save you some time, how about I just give you my pattern, Tinkerbell Costume Pattern. Please keep in mind that the supplies are for a 5-6 T size costume, plus some links are affiliate links for your convenience.
Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience, click here to read my full disclosure policy.
– 1 3/4 yard green fabric (I used a fluffy fleece fabric)
– 12 inches White Fluffy fabric (I found mine by the fleece fabric)
– 1/4 yard Brown fabric (I used a fluffy fleece fabric again)
– fabric marker (loving this one)
– thread
– sewing machine
– serger (optional)
– scissors
– pins
– rotary mat w/cutter (I love this one and this one
Before I start with the tutorial I want to apologize that some of my pictures are not the greatest when I am sewing because the lighting for taking pictures in not the greatest in the dark yellow basement.
Print the pattern and tape the seams together to create your pattern template.
First I cut out the fabric with the pattern. You will want to cut 4 hood pieces, 4 sleeve pieces, and 2 of each of the robe pieces. Make sure that with the front robe pieces (2 each for left and right) you cut the pieces with the WRONG sides of fabric together and cut 2 at the same time. This will give you the inside and outside pieces of the robe in one cut.
After cutting out the green fabric, it is time to cut the white and brown fabric with the rotary cutter. Cut 3 strips of the white fabric into 2 1/2″ strips, for around the robe. Then cut another 1 strips into 4″ strips for the sleeves. Now take the brown fabric and cut 4 strips into 2″, this is for the brown tie around the waist and boots. You will want to sew two brown pieces together to make the strip long enough to wrap around the robe.
Next it’s time to sew the pieces together, taking 2 of the hood pieces, with RIGHT sides together, line them up and pin the back (like picture below). Sew together using a 3/8″ seam allowance in straight stitch. Now take the robe pieces (left front, right front, and back), with RIGHT sides of the robe together, line them up at the shoulders, pin, and sew them together using a 3/8″ seam allowance in straight stitch. Do these steps for the other pieces. Iron out the seams. Ironing out the seams will make the garments look more professional and less homemade.
Let’s now add the hood to the front and back pieces. To do this find the middle of the back of the robe, place the middle of the hood (there is a seam) onto the middle of the back of the robe with RIGHT sides together. Continue pinning the hood down and sew them together using a 3/8″ seam allowance in straight stitch. Do this step for the other pieces. Iron out the seams.
Next we need to add the sleeve pieces to the front and back of the robe. With RIGHT sides of the fabric together, pin the middle of the sleeve curve to the middle of the armhole. Continue pinning the sleeve down one side of the armhole to the end of the armhole then pin the other side of the armhole. Sew the sleeve to the armhole with a 3/8″ seam allowance. Do this for all the other sleeve pieces and iron out your seams… Sorry no picture for this step but has a wonderful tutorial on how this should work, here.
Now onto the white fabric, I found this fabric to leave a lot of white pieces everywhere. So I decided to serger the fabric together to help with that but also to make it easier to attach to the robe. I first took all the 2 1/2″ strips and sewed them together into one long strip. Then I folded the fabric in half with WRONG sides together, serge along the edge. Do this for other white fabric piece.
If you do not have a serger you can skip this step.
Now you need to decide what robe piece you want to be the outside and inside. Taking the outside robe piece and the wider strip of white fabric (4″ strip with it folded in half), place the white strip against the RIGHT side of the arm piece, line them up, pin into place, and sew together using a 3/8″ seam allowance. Do this for the other side.
You also need to create a hem for the other robe sleeve or you could sew the sleeves together after at the end. I decided to fold the edge 3/8″ toward the WRONG side of the fabric and sew into place.
Now let’s make this look like a robe. With RIGHT sides of the robe together, place the front of the robe over the back of the robe and pin down the sleeves and sides. It is easier to pin the armpits first, then pin the rest of the sleeve and then the side seams. Starting at the end of the sleeve, sew a 3/8″ seam down the sleeve, down to the armpit, and continue sewing down the side seam with a straight stitch. Complete this step for the other robe also, then iron out your seams.
I decided it would be easier to sew the white trim to the robe now before attaching the robes together. So taking the 2 1/2″ strip of white fabric (we attached 3 strips into one earlier plus folded in half). With RIGHT sides together, starting pinning on the right side of the robe front, leave about 4″ extra of the white trim. Continue pinning the trim around the robe, leaving about 4″ of the robe open to attach the trim edges together and sew the trim to the robe using a 1/4″ seam allowance in straight stitch.
After sewing around the robe and leaving 4″ of open space. Take the white trim piece and attach them together to fit in the space. Once the trim is attached, sew the rest of the white trim to the robe.
NOW it is time to sew the two robe pieces together. Please remember that you will need to leave about 4″ open to turn the fabric RIGHT side out, you will leave the same right front side open for this. Now take both robes with RIGHT sides together and line up all the edges. Start pinning the robes together (making sure to leave a 4″ gap!!!) and sew them together using a 3/8″ seam allowance in straight stitch. The pointy corners of the robe can be tricky so please take your time.
After sewing all the way around the robe (leaving 4″ open), take your scissors and clip the points of the zigzag part of the robe, also clip into any seam where there is a point. Sorry I forgot to take a picture… But this step will help your fabric turn easier and lay flat. Next turn the fabric RIGHT side out through the 4″ opening. Once turned placed inside robe into the outside robe. Then stitch the 4″ opening closed (this part cannot be seen). If you decided to sew your sleeve hems together now would be the time to do that. And now your DONE!!!
I made the boot covers also but I am not every happy with how they turned out so there will be no tutorial on how to do them. But I cut a rectangle to fit my daughter’s shoe with a 3/8″ seam then worked with the form until I was happier with the look. I used the brown fabric to wrap around all the robe and shoes. And what do you think of our Tinkerbell costume?
We bought the wings from Amazon for about $7. I am now wishing I would have clipped more fabric around the zigzag part of the robe before turning because the fabric does pull funny.
Sorry this tutorial was a little rushed but I hope you can get the idea on how to make the costume. Enjoy your Halloween!!!
This is great. Thanks for the inspiration. It’s always chilly where we live for Halloween, so this is a nice alternative for a Tinkerbell costume.
Did you leave slits in the coat for the wings or how are the wings attached?
Hi Jamie, I did not cut slits for the wings. I purchased wings that had elastic that went around the arms. Here is a link to the exact one I used from Amazon (this is an affiliate link): Fairy Wings. I did this so my daughter could take them off at school.