Did you miss me on Monday? Well I missed you but because it was a holiday in the States, I decided to take the day off and enjoy my family. I hope you got to spend sometime with your family!

But let’s get back to the subject at hand… Have you ever had a tube of caulk or liquid nails that you only needed a small amount. So you store the rest of it until the next project, only to discover that the next time you go to use if again, the tube has dried out? Maybe I am the only one that has/had this problem. I have found that caulk does not dry out like liquid nails but this tip will work with both.

I was raised using caulk and we were always told to stick a nail into the tip of the caulk. But this turns your caulk copper because the nail can start to rust. And if you have ever used liquid nails you know it dries out after about a day or two. And I was tried of copper caulk and dried out liquid nails.

Storage liquid nails

So when I was working on our full length mirror project, I decided to try putting the liquid nails into a Ziploc gallon bag because I did not use all of it. About two months later, I needed some liquid nails to add the framing around our kitchen window. I bought a new liquid nail expecting the old one to be dried out. But guess what? It was not dried out at all…

how to store liquid nails

So the tip today is place your half used liquid nails and caulk into a Ziploc bag. Yes it is that easy…

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