Over the past couple of months, I have been trying to add more artwork/decor to our home. And I have found a fantastic way to hang pictures, an easy way!! Do you want to see how easy it is?

An Easier way to hang a picture frame

First you need some supplies:

  • paint stir stick (they are FREE in the paint section of a hardware store)
  • picture frame nail
  • painters tape (about 4-5″) 
  • hammer

And that’s all the supplies.

What you need to do is take your paint stick, nail, and hammer. Using the hammer, hammer the nail into the wood about 1/4″ away from the bottom. You will want to leave about 1/4″-1/8″ of the nail head away from the stick, it will not be flush. This is your magic tool!


To hang a picture, take the tool and hook the nail to the hanging device on the picture frame. I like to tape the wood to the frame to help it not move as much but you don’t need to do that.

An Easier way to hang a picture frame

At the wall, hold the stick against the wall and figure out where you want the picture hung. Once you have the perfect spot, press the frame against the nail with just your hand. Move the tool and frame away and you will find a small indent from the nail, this is where your nail will go. Please note that I did find that mine nail needed to be placed about a 1/4″ down from the indent because I place my nail into the wall at an angle. So if you angle your nail, place it about a 1/4″ down from the indent to give you that perfect spot.

I used this trick on my gallery wall and for my simple artwork display. Do you have any tricks to hang pictures?

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