We have been DIYing our home for over 6 years and there is a lot we have learned along the way. Not saying we are in anyway professionals because we still have lots to learn but we have found things that work and some things that don’t. I thought it would be fun to share the 5 tools that changed how we DIY. These tools are the ones I feel are used almost every time we do a project.
5 Tools that have changed how we DIY

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5 of our favorite DIY tools that make DIYing easier!


  1. Kreg Jig Pocket System

This is my FAVORITE woodworking tool. It’s amazing!! The Kreg Jig is used to create pockets in the wood where a screw will be placed to attach two pieces of wood together. But this pocket can then be filled in to hide the screws, giving the project a seamless finish!

For about 4 years we used the mini Kreg Jig which worked but took some time. Then two years ago, we finally purchased the Kreg Jig K5. Why did we ever wait that long to purchase this one? I can create at least 4 pockets with this one in the time it took me to create one with the mini.

If you have plans of building furniture, cabinets, or working with wood this is your guy!

  1. Orbital Sander

This is the faster and easiest way to sand wood. Why take hours to sand a board smooth, when it could take minutes? This is a MUST if you plan on working with any wood.

  1. Miter Saw

If you need to cut boards you will want one of these. I would recommend the 12” size (blade is that size) but with that one that slides. We have the regular 12” and it works great but for boards that are 12” we cannot cut because ours does not slide (if you flip the board around you can cut it). Plus some also have lasers to make sure you’re on the mark.

  1. Drill

First, you need a drill to make the Kreg Jig work but this will save lots of time instead of using a hand screwdriver.

I would recommend having two drills because sometimes you need a drill bit plus a screwdriver, so put one on each. But also to have an extra battery!

  1. Air Compressor w/Nail Guns

This opened up another level of woodworking, building, and remodeling. I have used this with my paint sprayer, refinished our chairs, updated my cabinets, add trim around our windows, and so so much more. If you will be remodeling a home you will need one of these!

This is just a small list of the tools we use but some of the most used! We have a full list of all our tools under the resource tab.

Do you have a list of your favorite tools?

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